
Showing posts from September, 2021

Do You want to become a freelancer? work from home and making money online? this post is for you then.

First of all:  I have no magic wand to make things happen immediately for you. However, I want to share my experience with you about freelance but first let me introduce myself. My name is Hassan and I live in Egypt , I've never work for any one so I wasn't making money. Let me tell you a story to get you to my point. Once upon a time there was a Fox called Beko , this fox lives with his grandma , he goes to school everyday but in fact he didn't like learning at all. He was going to school to play not to learn because he found that learning is very boring but he love his grandma alot.  Until one day his grandma became very ill , Beko felt sad and as a person who doesn't like to learn , he had nothing to do to cure his grandma. But he got an idea , the idea was to ask his teachers to cure his grandma but this ideal also failed because they weren't doctors. Beko felt upset and sad but he knew that this feeling won't help his grandma. Because of that he said: "